Living in the UK comes with many perks no doubt, however, you need to be prepared for the humid weather and constant rain showers. This can result in increasing the possibility of mould and mildew growth in the homes. Most people often complain about the musty, damp smell their houses have. That is why we’ve consulted with one of the leading cleaning companies in Guildford and came up with a couple of solutions for this common problem.
Some Valuable Information
The damp smell is a result of mould and mildew growth in the home. So in order to purify the air and get rid of this unpleasant odour, you need to locate the source first. It will be helpful if you familiarise yourself with these types of fungi and have a general idea of what is what. Here is the easiest way to distinguish mould from mildew according to our Guildford cleaners:
- Mildew – You can find it in different foods, vegetables and fruits. This fungus has an almost “fluffy” appearance in some cases.
- Mould – It has a much more ticker structure. It can severely damage your property as it penetrates matter much deeper than the mildew does.
In conclusion, if you clean your home regularly and throw away expired foods you won’t have problems with mildew. The mould is the one you need to look out for. It is the main reason for the damp, heavy odour in your house. Mildews create a less strong smell, and it is easily distinguishable.
Find Where the Source of the Smell Located in Your Home
Now that we know what emulates these odours, we need to find where the culprit is located. Start by checking the usual spots:
Bathrooms – shower cabins, inside cabinets, all corners of the room;
- AC vents and filters;
- Underneath or behind large pieces of furniture;
- Under your carpeting;
- Behind the kitchen appliances;
- Under the sinks;
- Window frames, isolation and locks;
- Libraries or shelves stack with numerous items and books;
Trust your sense of smell and remember all fungi love dark, humid places. If there is water involved, and the air has been still for longer periods. It’s the right place to start your search.
Prepare Yourself to Throw Away Some Things
After you pinpoint from where the smell comes you need to take some actions. All items that have been infested like old books, magazines, clothes, bags, etc. must be thrown away. Unless your Guildford home is subjected to some professional cleaning services you need to remove everything that might contain mould spores. Once all is gone you will notice immediately the improvement of the air quality in your house.
When Mould Attacks the Walls of Your Guildford House
You only need one small pipe leakage to get your walls ruined. You need to take action as soon as you spot the problem. The sooner all pipes are in order the faster you will get rid of this musty smell. If you still have mould stains on your walls after the repairs try the following recipe:
Make a mixture of boric acid, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and water in 1:2:2:4 ratio.
- Wash your walls and make sure to leave all windows open to help the drying-out process.
- Change your wallpaper and repaint the damaged places. You can purchase a specialised anti-mould paint that will protect your walls and ceilings.
If you can still sense the damp smell even after all of the cleaning and repairs consider hiring a professional mould removal company.
How to Prevent Damp Smells Appearing in Your Guildford Home
There are a couple of things you can do to protect your house from the dreaded musty smell of mould and mildew.
- Open your windows at least for 1o minutes every day. The fresh airflow is essential.
- Clean regularly all cupboards and pantries.
- Throw away expired foods.
- Wash your fridge and microwave each month
- Deep clean your dishwasher, coffee maker and laundry machine
- After taking a bath to spend 5 minutes and wipe the tiles with a squeegee to remove the water.
- Make sure the ventilation in your bathroom and kitchen is working properly;
- Inspect the areas under your bathroom and kitchen sinks;
- At least twice a year check your roof and gutters.
- Pay attention to your window frames and isolation.
- Clean your home each week.